Best way To Turn On a Snowboard with steps and guide

To turn on a snowboard, you must consider your head, shoulders, hips, knees, and feet. Each of the steps below contains a specific movement technique

 Best way To Turn On A Snowboard

How to turn on a snowboard

Turning correctly is one of the most important skills to learn if you want to progress on your snowboard - this tutorial breaks down the important body movements of how to turn on a snowboard.

Steps To Turn like A Pro On A Snowboard

To turn on a snowboard, you must consider your head, shoulders, hips, knees, and feet. Each of the steps below contains a specific movement technique for the body part mentioned.

Read through, get inspired, practice each step, and once you've mastered them, combine them all to turn like a pro on your snowboard.


1. Head

On a snowboard, most people overlook the importance of the head. Looking at the board or straight down the valley are common errors. To maintain orientation and avoid surprises while snowboarding:

  • Keep your head held high.
  • Look in the direction you intend to ride.
  • Use your eyes to spot and plan your next turn!

Turn your head first and look in the direction you want to go when initiating turns on your snowboard. Do this even before starting to turn your snowboard.

2. Shoulders

When riding, the shoulders and the snowboard work in tandem and follow each other. The snowboard will automatically follow your head and shoulder rotation when you turn your head and shoulders. Your head and shoulders are essentially the steering wheel. To improve your turns with proper shoulder movements, you should:

  • Turn your head and shoulders in the desired direction, then...
  • Turn the snowboard under you using your core muscles.
  • Control the speed of your turns by turning your shoulders.
  • While dreaming about tomorrow, use some Head and Shoulders shampoo in the shower.

3. Hips

While turning your head and shoulders, your hips will begin to turn as well, almost following your head and shoulders like a Mexican wave. To put this to the test and practice the motions:

  • Position your hands on your hips.
  • Make some smooth turns and pay attention to how your hips are working.
  • If you don't want your hips to swing back and forth soo,
  • keep them over the center of the board and move in rotational motions.

4. Knees

When you start turning your snowboard with your knees, you can really advance your riding! By extending the motions from the head, shoulders, and hips further down the body, you can initiate your turn and get on your edge much sooner. This allows you to better control your speed and direction while riding steep slopes.

The simplest way to get the knees to turn is to:

  • Turn your knees towards the nose of the snowboard while riding heelside.
  • Turn your knees towards the tail of the snowboard when riding toeside.

5. Feet

Because the feet are directly mounted to the snowboard, foot movement has a significant impact on your riding.

Paddling your feet while turning on your snowboard is a good practice. Consider starting the turn with pressure on the front foot and ending it with pressure on the back foot.

  • When turning toeside, begin with pressure on your front foot toes and end with pressure on your back foot toes.
  • When turning heelside, begin with pressure on the front foot heels and end with pressure on the back foot heels.

Experiment with 360s.

Using these techniques will make sliding 360's much easier on the snow, so try to incorporate a few of them into your riding to feel the progress you're making.

  • Keep your head up and your gaze over your shoulder.
  • Rotate your shoulders and hips in the desired direction.
  • Experiment and combine by twisting your feet, moving your knees, and paddling to keep the edge out of the snow.

Check this video to learn more on how to turn on a snowboard


Learn these technical turning steps and you'll have a much better understanding of how your body works on a snowboard. Mastering the individual steps will enable you to adapt to changing mountain conditions. Try practicing each step separately, and then try combining them all to make very advanced and smooth turns.

Best way To Turn On a Snowboard for beginners

If you're new to snowboarding, you're probably enjoying the rush of racing down a slope while also wondering how to improve your technique. Turning is one of the snowboarding skills you should practice. If you're new to snowboarding, you might be wondering how to turn.

Here's how to do a snowboard frontside turn:

1. Perpendicular to the fall line, position yourself.
2. To launch, apply light pressure to the front of the board.
3. Shift your weight to your front foot gradually.
4. Turn your head and torso in the desired direction.
5. Transfer your weight to the front foot.

In this article, I will walk you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to turn on a snowboard for beginners on both the front and backside. I'll also go over some drills you can do to help improve your turning technique, as well as some pointers to keep in mind when performing snowboard turns.

How Do You Turn On a Snowboard?

On a snowboard, there are two types of turns: front side turns and backside turns. These are achieved by shifting your weight from your back foot to your front foot or vice versa. Turning your head and torso in the desired direction also helps.

How you adjust pressure and turn influences how your snowboard turns.

Best way to Do a Snowboard Frontside Turn

A frontside turn is when you turn your snowboard so that it points downwards in the middle of your turn. To perform a frontside turn, shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot. Then, angle your torso and head in the desired direction you wish to turn to.

Here is detailed a step by step guide to doing a frontside turn on a snowboard: 

Perpendicular to the fall line, position yourself

Before beginning to descend a slope, take the proper stance. The proper stance will allow you to move more easily into a turn posture.
Make sure your snowboard is pointed down the slope you want to snowboard down. Allow your snowboard's tail to dig into the snow.

2. To launch, apply light pressure to the front of the board

Apply a little pressure to your front foot to flatten the board. This should reveal the snowboard. You will begin to descend the hill. Try to keep your pace under control by keeping the pressure on both of your feet balanced.

3. Shift your weight to your front foot gradually

Once you've determined which way you want to turn, shift your weight to your front foot and toes.

When you do this, your board will start pointing downward, parallel to the slope. Making sure your board is pointing down will help you move faster.

If you feel yourself moving too quickly, resist the urge to shift the pressure to your back foot. Instead, start executing the next step of your turn, which will slow down your board.

4. Rotate Your Head and Torso the Direction You Want To Turn 

Turn your head and upper torso backward in the rotational direction you want. This will turn the board sideways and in the desired direction.

5. Change your weight to your front foot

Once your turn is complete, shift your weight to your front foot. This weight shift will slow you down and allow you to keep moving down the slope in the desired direction.

Best way to do a Backside Turn on a Snowboard

In the middle of a snowboarding backside turn, you will be facing away from the slope.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial for performing a backside turn:

1. Begin parallel to the slope.

Balance yourself off the snowboard with a little more pressure on the front of the board before attempting anything.

Make sure you've dug the front of your snowboard into the snow as an anchor.

2. Apply even pressure to the Snowboard.

When you're ready to ride, start balancing pressure on the snowboard. To dislodge the snowboard, you may need to apply a little extra pressure on your back foot.

3. Apply Force to the Front of Your Snowboard

Apply pressure to the front of your snowboard when you're ready to turn. This is accomplished by shifting your weight to your front foot.

The board will begin to accelerate as it turns downhill.

4. Turn Your Head and Torso Towards the Top of the Hill

Turn your torso and head to face behind you as soon as your board is pointing downhill. Turn your head and torso in the desired direction. To turn right, for example, rotate your head and torso right.

5. Apply Force to Your Back Foot

Your snowboard will turn sideways as you turn your head and torso.

Once this occurs, apply pressure to your back foot, which will complete your turn and slow your snowboard to a cruising speed.

Best Tips for Turning On a Snowboard

Once you've mastered the theory of turning on a snowboard, you can focus on improving your turns. Pay close attention to your stance and the position and balance of your board to improve your turns. It would be beneficial if you also changed your turn technique depending on the terrain.

Learning from snowboard instructors and experts will also be beneficial.

Read on for more information on these guidelines.

Adjust Your Stance

When snowboarding, your stance determines the direction and path of your board. When turning, your stance is critical. Keep an eye out for:

  1. Your head: It is critical to maintain a straight posture and to point in the direction you want to turn. However, use your peripheral vision to look for any obstacles that might interfere with your turn.
  2. Your shoulders: The direction your shoulders turn affects how your upper torso moves. This, in turn, will have an effect on how your snowboard turns.
  3. Your feet: Make sure your feet are at a comfortable distance from one another. Each snowboarder will have a slightly different stance, so experiment with what feels right for you.
  4. Your arms: Some snowboarders prefer to ride with their arms spread out to maintain balance and control. This is especially important when turning, as the change in direction can throw your balance off.

Check the good Position and Balance of Your Board

Before you begin your descent down a slope, make sure your board is properly balanced. Ascertain that the board is perpendicular to the fall line. Other things you can do to improve the balance of your board include:

  • Choose the right snowboard: The right snowboard should be chosen,based on your experience, weight, and the terrain you will be snowboarding on. Visit a snowboarding store and try on different snowboards to see which one you prefer.
  • Choose a snowboard based on the terrain and your riding style: If you like backcountry riding, for example, you might prefer a split board.

Change Your Technique Based on the Terrain

The terrain on which you are snowboarding will influence how you make your turn. When turning on steep terrain, make sure to bend your knees deeper than usual and pay close attention to the fall line's angle. Turn in a gap between the bumps when snowboarding on rough terrain.

Snowboarding on a Difficult Terrain

Keep the following tips in mind when snowboarding and turning on steep terrain:

  • Bend your shoulders, hips, and knees to match the slope's angle.
  • Continue to lean forward, even if it feels awkward.
  • Make sure your board is spread across the fall line as you close each turn. If it is not evenly distributed, try holding the turn for a little longer until it is.
  • After you've practiced a few drills on gentle slopes, try snowboarding on steep terrain.

 Bumpy Terrain Snowboarding

Terrain bumps can be natural (caused by rocks and raised soil) or man-made (built-in to slopes to improve your technique). Keep the following tips in mind when snowboarding and turning on a bumpy terrain:

  • Look for the widest area to turn in. This is usually in the space between bumps.
  • Maintaining a level head will help you maintain your balance as you turn across bumps.

Obtain Instruction from a Snowboarding Instructor

Understanding the theory is the first step toward snowboard turns; engaging with an instructor is the next. An instructor will advise you on your stance and how to correct your posture for smoother turns.

Practice Continuously

The more time you devote to perfecting your turns, the better they will become — begin by attempting simple backside and frontside turns. Then, try snowboarding drills to improve the complexity of your turns.


When turning on a snowboard, remember to adjust the pressure you apply to your board and turn your body in the desired direction. Take note of your surroundings to determine the type and style of turn you should make. Drills for practice will help you improve your snowboarding turns.

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