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What are the 3Ds in Pickleball?

Pickleball is a game of strategy and precision, where every shot counts. To become a more effective player, it's important to master the first th…

5 Situations Where a Drop Serve Can Help You in Pickleball

Pickleball has two kinds of serves: (1) a regular volley serve (i.e., hitting the pickleball in the air, before it touches the ground), and (2) a dro…

Why Do My Hips Hurt After Playing Pickleball?

Have you ever wondered why your hips ache after playing pickleball? This fast-growing sport is a blast, but it can sometimes leave you with sore hips…

12 Best tips to Dominate In Pickleball

To dominate in pickleball and improve your game, you can focus on several key areas of your play.  How to Dominate In Pickleball 📸 Dropshot pickleba…

Is it Good to switch Hands while Playing Pickleball?

In the world of pickleball, you have the freedom to switch the paddle from one hand to the other during a game. However, it's important to note …

7 Essential Tips to Perfect Your Pickleball Paddle Swing

Unlocking the Secrets of Pickleball Paddle Mastery Pickleball is a blast, but to really shine on the court, you've got to nail that paddle swing.…

10 Strategies To Improve Your Pickleball Defense

Pickleball is a fast-paced sport that requires quick reflexes, good hand-eye coordination, and solid defense strategies. If you're looking to imp…

8 Advanced Broomball Tips to level up your Game

Broomball is an incredibly entertaining sport that's all about embracing the slip-sliding action on the ice. It's a great equalizer; no matte…

4 Tips to improve your Third shot drop in Pickleball

In the game of Pickleball, the third shot drop is a crucial technique that can give you a significant advantage when executed correctly. Let's de…


Una de las formas más rápidas de mejorar tu juego es trabajar en tu servicio. Consigue un buen servicio y, aunque no ganes el punto inmediatamente, a…

16 consejos para aprender pádel: la guía completa para principiantes

El pádel es uno de los deportes de mayor crecimiento en el mundo. Es un deporte social que nunca se vuelve monótono y le conviene a la mayoría de la …

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