August 2023

“Setting up the point” in pickleball | Benefit & Strategies

In the game of pickleball, the concept of “setting up the point” pertains to skillfully planning and executing shots and tactics to shape a favorable…

6 New Pickleball Rules You Need to Know for 2023

Pickleball is a sport that keeps changing and growing, and so do its rules. Every year, USA Pickleball reviews and updates the Official Rulebook to m…

7 pickleball pro tips for effective blocking

Mastering effective blocking on the pickleball court involves a mix of skills that come together to create a solid defense. If you're looking to…

How to Wrap an Overgrip on Your Pickleball Paddle for Better Performance

What is an overgrip for a pickleball paddle? An overgrip is a thin, sticky layer that you can wrap around the handle of your pickleball paddle. Its p…

Is Your Pickleball Paddle Dead? When to Get a New Paddle

Pickleball paddles are a vital part of your pickleball game, and their quality can significantly impact your performance on the court. This quality c…

4 Pickleball Drills for Advanced Players (Skill Level 4.0+)

To become a skilled pickleball player at the 4.0+ level, it takes not only numerous matches but also purposeful practice. Achieving a skill rating of…
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