Best way to Clean Snowboard Boots with steps

Step 1: Take out the Liners , Step 2: Fill a bucket with soap and water, Step 3: Soak the Shells/Liners in a bucket of water, Step 4: Scrub Everything
Your snowboard boots don't need to be cleaned very often, but you should wash your liners or outer layers every now and then if they become dirty or stinky. You'll also want to know how to do it correctly to keep your boots in good condition.

I've been snowboarding for nearly my entire life and have learned how to properly care for all of my gear. I know how to clean snowboard boots from firsthand experience.

This article will teach how to clean snowboard boots. I'll give you some pointers and tricks to make sure you do it correctly. I'll also give you some instructions for cleaning your boots if you want or need to.

Let's get started.

Best way to Clean Snowboard Boots 

Can you wash boots in the washing machine?

You do not want to put your snowboard boots through the washing machine. While it may be tempting to toss them in with other items and let the washer do its thing, there is far too much risk of damage to consider.

Hand washing boots is preferable because the washer can rip, tear, or pull apart pieces of your boots. They are relatively simple to clean by hand, and this is the best method if you want them to last a long time.

Can I wash my snowboard boot liners in the washing machine?

You don't want to wash the liners like you would the outer parts of your snowboard boots. Liners are an essential component of your boots, and you don't want to ruin them by washing them.

Machine washing is more harmful than hand washing. I know some people who have washed their liners in the washing machine, but I also know some people who have ruined their liners as a result of doing so.

How to Clean Snowboard Boots

How to Clean Snowboard Boots

Here are the steps to effectively cleaning your snowboard boots. These are instructions for hand washing your boots, which I believe is the only true way to clean them without damaging them.

You'll need the following items:

  • Bucket 
  • Cleaning Detergent (laundry detergent, Oxiclean, dish soap)
  • Toothbrush 
  • Sponge/Rag 
  • Drying Cloth

Step 1: Take out the Liners

Before you begin cleaning your boots, remove the liners from the shell. Simply remove the liners with your hand. You may need to wiggle things a little, but the shells should come right out.

Step 2: Fill a bucket with soap and water.

It's now time to make your cleaning solution. Fill a large bucket or tub halfway with cool water and some kind of soap. I like to use dish soap and Oxiclean together, but you can also use laundry soap or just one of those.

It doesn't really matter what kind of soap you use as long as it works. To avoid any damage from hot water, I prefer to use cool water, but some people prefer warm water.

Step 3: Soak the Shells/Liners in a bucket of water.

After you've removed the liners, soak them in a bucket of water and soap. If they're really stinky, leave them in for a while before scrubbing them clean. If there's room, add the shells to the bucket as well. You can also soak them in turns.

Step 4: Scrub Everything

After soaking the liners and shells for a while, begin scrubbing them clean. Wipe the outer parts with a rag, then scrub the harder-to-reach areas that your hand can reach with a toothbrush.

Step 5: Rinse

After scrubbing the boots, rinse them with clean water to remove any soap residue. Fill a bucket with clean water, or spray them with a hose or in the sink. If necessary, rinse several times.

Step 6: Allow to dry

The final step in cleaning your boots is to allow them to dry completely. You can place them in an area with plenty of airflow, use a fan next to them, or use a boot dryer if you have one

You should not put them in the dryer!

Frequently Asked Questions 

The following are some quick answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about how to clean snowboard boots.

How do you get smelly snowboard boots clean?

Hand washing smelly snowboard boots is the best way to clean them. You can use a cleaning detergent with fragrance to help remove bacteria from the boots and freshen them up. If they are particularly stinky, you may need to wash them several times.

How should snowboard boot liners be dried?

The best way to dry boot liners is to let them air dry. Another option is to use a boot dryer machine. However, you should not put them in the dryer because it will damage them. Another option is to hang them on a line with a fan blowing on them.

How do you clean the inside of your snowboard boots?

You can clean the inside of snowboard boots with your hands and a rag or sponge. Before washing the liners, always take them out of the shell. This gives you access to all of the hard-to-reach areas of the boot and is effective for cleaning properly.


Cleaning your snowboard boots isn't difficult, but it will require some elbow grease. If you complete all of the steps outlined here, you'll have a clean pair of boots in no time. Just remember to hand wash them rather than drying them!

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