7 Tips to Prevent the Lobber from Lobbing the Pickleball

One of the best ways to prevent the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball is to anticipate the shot. Pay attention to your opponent's body language, thei

Lobbing is a common strategy used in Pickleball to catch your opponent off guard and gain the upper hand. However, it can also be frustrating when the Lobber lobs the ball over your head, making it nearly impossible to return. 

In this article, we will provide you with 7 tips to prevent the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball, so you can focus on playing your best game.

7 Tips to Prevent the Lobber from Lobbing the Pickleball

1. Anticipate the Lob

One of the best ways to prevent the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball is to anticipate the shot. Pay attention to your opponent's body language, their position on the court, and their previous shots to determine if a lob is likely. If you suspect a lob is coming, adjust your position accordingly, so you're ready to make a quick and effective return.

2. Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Another important factor in preventing the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball is to keep your eye on the ball. Watch the ball closely as it comes towards you, so you can track its trajectory and predict where it's going to land. This will give you a better chance of making a successful return.

3. Move Quickly and Confidently:

To prevent the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball, you need to be quick and confident in your movements. Be sure to move quickly to get into position, and when you do, make your return with confidence, using a strong and accurate stroke.

4. Practice Your Overhead Shots:

In order to prevent the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball, it's important to have a solid overhead shot. Practice your overhead shot regularly, so you can be confident and comfortable making the return when necessary. This will give you a better chance of successfully returning a lobbed ball.

5. Communicate with Your Partner:

it's important to communicate with your partner on the court. If you're playing doubles, work together to cover the court and be ready for a lob. Let your partner know if you see a lob coming, so they can be ready to make the return. Good communication on the court is key to preventing the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball.

6. Use Your Footwork:

Your footwork is an essential part of preventing the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball. Good footwork allows you to quickly get into position and make the return. Practice your footwork regularly, so you can be quick and agile on the court. Make sure to use quick, light steps to get into position, and be sure to pivot your feet so you can face the net and make the return.

7. Improve Your Reach:

Finally, improving your reach is another key aspect of preventing the Lobber from lobbing the Pickleball. The more you can reach, the more likely you are to be able to make the return. Work on stretching and strengthening your arm and shoulder muscles, so you can extend your reach and make the return. Additionally, practice reaching for high balls during your Pickleball games, so you can get comfortable and confident making these types of shots.

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